2Captcha Bot Can’t Compare to Death by Captcha’s Latest Recognition System
When do people need CAPTCHA solving services? Say for instance your business client has secured a specific form with a CAPTCHA, and has yet to build an API into the backend of the form. You need to hit that form on a regular basis in order to do business with that partner. In this scenario, you have few choices but to engage in CAPTCHA breaking.
Recaptcha, decaptchas and other services may seem incredibly complex, but Death By Captcha makes doing business simple through integrated APIs, proactive and helpful customer service and easy payment methods. While many decaptcha services these days use human-powered and OCR readers, Death By Captcha has really raised the bar on providing a simple yet powerful tool to obliterate annoying CAPTCHAs.
The answers to some simple questions are already available on our FAQs page, but we are happy to help you through any others that may arise while you’re using our Death By Captcha service. We have a site consultant online throughout the day to answer immediate questions, or you can e-mail us questions after hours and we will respond as quickly as possible. 2Captcha is a similar service that also provides human-intervention CAPTCHA solving, but without the real-time network and load information, or average solve times--all items which are incredibly helpful to know if you’re a webmaster relying on a real-time solving service to support your business needs.
Death By Captcha has an average response rate of 11 seconds, with a 90% accuracy rate and some of the best CAPTCHA solvers in the world working on your project. With incredibly fair pricing for everyone and even better pricing for returning Gold Members, this advanced OCR system and human hybrid will provide you with a solid result that you can rely on every single time. With the addition of Anti-Captcha support to the Death By Captcha API, this single-service solution has truly differentiated itself in a crowded marketplace of CAPTCHA solvers, which includes such competitors as 2Captcha. Need case sensitive support and confident CAPTCHAs? Just contact Death By Captcha for more information on getting started with these services.As with most CAPTCHA solving services like 2Captcha, you only pay for the CAPTCAs that are successfully solved and delivered to you via API.