
Descargue los códigos de ejemplo basados en el cliente API:

Soporte de API Lemin Cropped

¿Qué son los desafíos "Lemin Cropped"?

Son desafíos que generalmente requieren que el usuario mueva una pieza específica del rompecabezas a su ubicación correcta.

Para su conveniencia, hemos implementado el soporte para la API Lemin Cropped. Si su software funciona con ella y admite una configuración mínima, debería poder decodificar Lemin Cropped utilizando Death By Captcha en poco tiempo.

  • Lemin Cropped API: Proporcionado un URL del sitio y captchaid Lemin Cropped, la API devuelve una respuesta que utilizarás para enviar el formulario en la página con el desafío Lemin Cropped.


Por el momento, el precio es $2.89/1K por desafios Lemin Cropped correctamente resueltos. No se le cobrará por los Lemin Cropped reportados como resueltos incorrectamente. Tenga en cuenta que esta tarifa se aplica solo a nuevos desafíos de Lemin Cropped, por lo que solo los clientes que utilicen esta API específica serán cobrados a dicha tarifa.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Lemin Cropped API:

¿Cuál es el URL de la API Lemin Cropped?

Para usar la API Lemin Cropped, deberás enviar una solicitud HTTP POST a http://api.dbcapi.me/api/captcha

¿Cuáles son los parámetros POST para la API Lemin Cropped?

  • username: El nombre de usuario de su cuenta de DBC
  • password: La contraseña de su cuenta de DBC
  • type=14: El tipo 14 especifica que esto es un API Lemin Cropped
  • lemin_params=json(payload): Los datos para acceder al desafío de Lemin Cropped
  • Estructura de carga utilizando JSON:
    • proxy: Su url de proxy y credenciales (si las hay). Ejemplos:
      • http://user:password@
    • proxytype: Su protocolo de conexión proxy. Para conocer los tipos de proxy compatibles, consulte ¿Qué tipos de proxy son compatibles?. Ejemplo:
      • HTTP
    • captchaid: El captchaid del Lemin Cropped del sitio web con Lemin Cropped.


      • CROPPED_099216d_8ba061383fa24ef498115023aa7189d4

      Debe localizar el captchaid de Lemin Cropped. Ubique el valor del parámetro captchaid dentro del código fuente de la página o en el enlace de origen del script que se asemeje al siguiente formato: https://api.leminnow.com/captcha/v1/cropped/CROPPED_099216d_8ba061383fa24ef498115023aa7189d4/js

    • pageurl: La URL de la página con los desafíos de Lemin Cropped. Esta URL debe incluir la ruta en la que se carga Lemin Cropped. Ejemplo: si el Lemin Cropped que deseas resolver se encuentra en http://test.com/path1, entonces pageurl debe ser http://test.com/path1 y no http://test.com.

    El parámetro proxy es opcional, pero recomendamos encarecidamente usar uno para evitar el rechazo de la página proporcionada debido a inconsistencias entre la IP que resolvió el captcha (el nuestro si no se proporciona ningún proxy) y la IP que presentó la solución para la verificación (tuya).

    Nota: Si se proporciona proxy, proxytype es un parámetro requerido.

    Ejemplo completo de lemin_params:

        'proxy': 'http://user:password@',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'captchaid': 'CROPPED_099216d_8ba061383fa24ef498115023aa7189d4',
        'pageurl': 'https://testsite.com/xxx-test'

¿Cuál es la respuesta de la API Lemin Cropped?

La respuesta de la API Lemin Cropped tiene la siguiente estructura. Es válida para un solo uso y tiene una duración de 2 minutos. Será una cadena como la siguiente:

"{'answer': '0xaxb8x0xaxaux0xaxakx0x0xakx0x0xaax0x0xa0x0x0x9mx0x0x9c
'challengeid': 'a6b74f52-8b02-4af6-b4e4-fed0c2730bf5'}"

Una vez que se recibe la respuesta, debes ubicar los campos de entrada ocultos dentro del Div de Captcha de Lemin, donde ingresarás los parámetros de la respuesta. Después de ubicar estos campos ocultos, asígnales los valores recibidos. Finalmente, envía el Captcha.

¿Qué tipos de proxy son compatibles?

Actualmente, solo se admiten http proxies. El soporte para otros tipos se agregará en el futuro.

Uso de la API Lemin Cropped con clientes de API:

     * Death by Captcha PHP API lemin cropped usage example
     * @package DBCAPI
     * @subpackage PHP

     * DBC API clients
    require_once '../deathbycaptcha.php';

    $username = "username";  // DBC account username
    $password = "password";  // DBC account password
    $token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel";  // DBC account authtoken

    // Use DeathByCaptcha_SocketClient() class if you want to use SOCKET API.
    $client = new DeathByCaptcha_HttpClient($username, $password);
    $client->is_verbose = true;

    // To use token the first parameter must be authtoken.
    // $client = new DeathByCaptcha_HttpClient("authtoken", $token_from_panel);

    echo "Your balance is {$client->balance} US cents\n";

    // Set the proxy and lemin token data
    $data = array(
        'proxy' => 'http://user:password@',
        'proxytype' => 'HTTP',
        'captchaid' => 'CROPPED_099216d_8ba061383fa24ef498115023aa7189d4',
        'pageurl' => 'https://dashboard.leminnow.com/auth/signup'
    //Create a json string
    $json = json_encode($data);

    //Put the type and the json payload
    $extra = [
        'type' => 14,
        'lemin_params' => $json,

    // Put null the first parameter and add the extra payload
    if ($captcha = $client->decode(null, $extra)) {
        echo "CAPTCHA {$captcha['captcha']} uploaded\n";


        // Poll for CAPTCHA indexes:
        if ($text = $client->get_text($captcha['captcha'])) {
            echo "CAPTCHA {$captcha['captcha']} solved: {$text}\n";

            // Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
            // Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved!

    # lemin
    import deathbycaptcha
    import json

    # Put your DBC account username and password here.
    username = "username"
    password = "password"

    # you can use authtoken instead of user/password combination
    # activate and get the authtoken from DBC users panel
    authtoken = "authtoken"

    # to use socket client
    # client = deathbycaptcha.SocketClient(username, password)

    # to use authtoken
    # client = deathbycaptcha.SocketClient(username, password, authtoken)

    client = deathbycaptcha.HttpClient(username, password)

    # Put the proxy and lemin data
    Captcha_dict = {
        'proxy': 'http://user:password@',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'captchaid': 'CROPPED_099216d_8ba061383fa24ef498115023aa7189d4',
        'pageurl': 'https://dashboard.leminnow.com/auth/signup'

    # Create a json string
    json_Captcha = json.dumps(Captcha_dict)

        balance = client.get_balance()

        # Put your CAPTCHA type and Json payload here:
        captcha = client.decode(type=14, lemin_params=json_Captcha)
        if captcha:
            # The CAPTCHA was solved; captcha["captcha"] item holds its
            # numeric ID, and captcha["text"] its text token solution.
            print("CAPTCHA %s solved: %s" % (captcha["captcha"], captcha["text"]))

            if '':  # check if the CAPTCHA was incorrectly solved

    except deathbycaptcha.AccessDeniedException:
        # Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance
        print("error: Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance")


    import com.DeathByCaptcha.AccessDeniedException;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.Client;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.HttpClient;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.SocketClient;
    import com.DeathByCaptcha.Captcha;
    import org.json.JSONObject;

    import java.io.IOException;

    class ExampleLemin {
        public static void main(String[] args)
                throws Exception {

            // Put your DBC username & password or authtoken here:
            String username = "your_username_here";
            String password = "your_password_here";
            String authtoken = "your_authtoken_here";

            /* Death By Captcha Socket Client
               Client client = (Client) (new SocketClient(username, password));
               Death By Captcha http Client */
            Client client = (Client) (new HttpClient(username, password));
            client.isVerbose = true;

            /* Using authtoken
               Client client = (Client) new HttpClient(authtoken); */

            try {
                try {
                    System.out.println("Your balance is " + client.getBalance()
                                                          + " US cents");
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.out.println("Failed fetching balance: " + e.toString());

                Captcha captcha = null;
                try {
                    // Proxy and hcaptcha data
                    String proxy = "http://user:password@";
                    String proxytype = "http";
                    String captchaid = "CROPPED_099216d_8ba061383fa24ef498115023aa7189d4";
                    String pageurl = "https://dashboard.leminnow.com/auth/signup";
                    /* Upload a lemin cropped and poll for its status with 120 seconds timeout.
                       Put your proxy, proxy type, page captchaid, page url and solving
                       timeout (in seconds) 0 or nothing for the default timeout value. */
                    captcha = client.decode(14, proxy, proxytype, sitekey, pageurl);

                    //other method is to send a json with the parameters
                    JSONObject json_params = new JSONObject();
                    json_params.put("proxy", proxy);
                    json_params.put("proxytype", proxytype);
                    json_params.put("captchaid", captchaid);
                    json_params.put("pageurl", pageurl);
                    captcha = client.decode(14, json_params);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.out.println("Failed uploading CAPTCHA");
                if (null != captcha) {
                    System.out.println("CAPTCHA " + captcha.id + " solved: "
                                                               + captcha.text);

                    /* Report incorrectly solved CAPTCHA if necessary.
                       Make sure you've checked if the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly
                       solved, or else you might get banned as abuser. */
                    /*try {
                        if (client.report(captcha)) {
                            System.out.println("Reported as incorrectly solved");
                        } else {
                                "Failed reporting incorrectly solved CAPTCHA");
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                           "Failed reporting incorrectly solved CAPTCHA:" + e.toString());
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Failed solving CAPTCHA");
            } catch (com.DeathByCaptcha.Exception e) {



    // Lemin

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using DeathByCaptcha;

    namespace DBC_Examples.examples
        public class LeminExample
            public void Main()
                // Put your DeathByCaptcha account username and password here.
                string username = "your username";
                string password = "your password";
                // string token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel";

                /* Death By Captcha Socket Client
                   Client client = (Client) new SocketClient(username, password);
                   Death By Captcha http Client */
                Client client = (Client) new HttpClient(username, password);

                /* To use token authentication the first parameter must
                be "authtoken".
                Client client = (Client) new HttpClient("authtoken",
                                                        token_from_panel); */

                // Put your Proxy credentials and type here
                string proxy = "http://user:password@";
                string proxyType = "HTTP";
                string captchaid = "CROPPED_099216d_8ba061383fa24ef498115023aa7189d4";
                string pageurl = "https://dashboard.leminnow.com/auth/signup";

                string leminParams = "{\"proxy\": \"" + proxy + "\"," +
                                        "\"proxytype\": \"" + proxyType + "\"," +
                                        "\"captchaid\": \"" + captchaid + "\"," +
                                        "\"pageurl\": \"" + pageurl + "\"}";
                    double balance = client.GetBalance();

                    /* Upload a CAPTCHA and poll for its status. Put the lemin
                       Json payload, CAPTCHA type and desired solving timeout
                       (in seconds) here. If solved, you'll receive a
                       DeathByCaptcha.Captcha object. */
                    Captcha captcha = client.Decode(Client.DefaultTimeout,
                        new Hashtable()
                            {"type", 14},
                            {"lemin_params", leminParams}

                    if (null != captcha)
                        /* The CAPTCHA was solved; captcha.Id property holds
                        its numeric ID, and captcha.Text holds its text. */
                        Console.WriteLine("CAPTCHA {0} solved: {1}",
                            captcha.Id, captcha.Text);

    //                  if ( /* check if the CAPTCHA was incorrectly solved */)
    //                  {
    //                      client.Report(captcha);
    //                  }
                catch (AccessDeniedException e)
                    /* Access to DBC API denied,
                                check your credentials and/or balance */
                    Console.WriteLine("<<< catch : " + e.ToString());


    Imports DeathByCaptcha

    Public Class Lemin
        Sub Main(args As String())

            ' Put your DBC username & password or authtoken here:
            Dim username = "username"
            Dim password = "password"
            Dim token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel"

            ' DBC Socket API client
            ' Dim client As New SocketClient(username, password)
            ' DBC HTTP API client
            Dim client As New HttpClient(username, password)

            ' To use token auth the first parameter must be "authtoken"
            ' Dim client As New HttpClient("authtoken", token_from_panel)

            ' Proxy and lemin data
            Dim proxy = "http://user:password@"
            Dim proxyType = "HTTP"
            Dim captchaid = "CROPPED_099216d_8ba061383fa24ef498115023aa7189d4"
            Dim pageurl = "https://dashboard.leminnow.com/auth/signup"

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Your balance is {0,2:f} US cents",

            ' Create a JSON with the extra data
            Dim hcaptchaParams = "{""proxy"": """ + proxy + """," +
                                 """proxytype"": """ + proxyType + """," +
                                 """captchaid"": """ + captchaid + """," +
                                 """pageurl"": """ + pageurl + """}"

            ' Create the payload with the type and the extra data
            Dim extraData As New Hashtable()
            extraData.Add("type", 14)
            extraData.Add("lemin_params", leminParams)

            ' Upload a CAPTCHA and poll for its status.  Put the Lemin
            ' Json payload, CAPTCHA type and desired solving timeout (in seconds)
            ' here. If solved, you'll receive a DeathByCaptcha.Captcha object.
            Dim captcha As Captcha = client.Decode(
                                    DeathByCaptcha.Client.DefaultTimeout, extraData)
            If captcha IsNot Nothing Then
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("CAPTCHA {0:d} solved: {1}",
                                                captcha.Id, captcha.Text))

                ' Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
                ' Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved, do not
                ' just report it at random, or you might be banned as abuser.
                ' If client.Report(captcha) Then
                '    Console.WriteLine("Reported as incorrectly solved")
                ' Else
                '    Console.WriteLine("Failed reporting as incorrectly solved")
                ' End If
            End If
        End Sub

    * Death by Captcha Node.js API lemin usage example

    const dbc = require('../deathbycaptcha');

    const username = 'username';     // DBC account username
    const password = 'password';     // DBC account password
    const token_from_panel = 'your-token-from-panel';   // DBC account authtoken

    // Proxy and lemin token data
    const hcaptcha_params = JSON.stringify({
        'proxy': 'http://username:password@proxy.example:3128',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'captchaid': 'CROPPED_099216d_8ba061383fa24ef498115023aa7189d4',
        'pageurl': 'https://dashboard.leminnow.com/auth/signup'

    // Death By Captcha Socket Client
    // const client = new dbc.SocketClient(username, password);
    // Death By Captcha http Client
    const client = new dbc.HttpClient(username, password);

    // To use token authentication the first parameter must be "authtoken"
    // const client = new dbc.HttpClient("authtoken", token_from_panel);

    // Get user balance
    client.get_balance((balance) => {

    // Solve captcha with type 14 & lemin_params extra arguments
    client.decode({extra: {type: 14, lemin_params: lemin_params}},
       (captcha) => {

        if (captcha) {
            console.log('Captcha ' + captcha['captcha'] + ' solved: '
                                                    + captcha['text']);

            * Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
            * Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved!
            * client.report(captcha['captcha'], (result) => {
            *   console.log('Report status: ' + result);
            * });


Estado: Carga alta

Los servidores están completamente operativos, pero el tiempo de respuesta puede ser, temporalmente, más alto que el promedio.
  • Tiempo medio de resolución
  • 3 segundos - Normal CAPTCHAs (1 min. atrás)
  • 45 segundos - reCAPTCHA V2, V3, etc (1 min. atrás)
  • 32 segundos - hCAPTCHA & otros (1 min. atrás)
Chrome and Firefox logos
Extensiones de navegador disponibles


  1. Sep 27: LIMITED WEEK-END PROMOTION! 20% OFF ON 2CHECKOUT PACKAGES IF YOU ORDER BETWEEN SEPT 28 & 29 (GMT-4). Get your CAPTCHAs at https://deathbycaptcha.com/user-pay and then contact us at https://deathbycaptcha.com/contact with your order's detail to claim your freebies!
  2. Sep 13: We experienced a brief login issue today, which has now been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
  3. Apr 26: RESOLVED - The deathbycaptcha.com website (the API remained/remains fully functional) was sporadically inaccessible due to network issues on April 25th & 26th. This situation was fully resolved and everything is back to 100%.

  4. Actualizaciones anteriores…


Nuestro sistema está diseñado para ser completamente fácil de usar. Si tiene algún problema con él, simplemente envíenos un correo electrónico a Correo electrónico de soporte técnico de DBC com, y un agente de soporte se comunicará con usted lo antes posible.

Soporte en vivo

Disponible de lunes a viernes (10 am a 4 pm EST) Live support image. Link to live support page