
August, 2012

Aug, 20: A small group of users might be experiencing issues with the service due to some connectivity inconveniences we're facing with our DNS provider. We're expecting a resolution for this situation in a short period of time. We apologize for the inconvenience and sincerely appreciate your patience on this matter. Please note that there's no need to take further actions on this matter, as it should be fixed automatically within some minor time.

Aug, 02: We've gone through a series of connectivity problems that have severely affected the quality of the service during parts of the afternoon. The service is now completely restored and running properly.

Aug, 01: The quality of our service was affected due to a system update around 2PM EDT. The stability of our service was recovered 20 minutes after the incident.

July, 2012

Jul, 16: If your account got banned last Saturday 14th, please verify your account is active again. Thanks for your cooperation.

Jul, 04: We have managed to stabilize the service again. Thanks for the patience!

Jul, 04: We're going through some unexpected technical issues at this moment that are causing service malfunctions. We're working on fixing them right now. We honestly apologize for the inconveniences.

Jul, 04: The service is up and running since a while ago. Thanks for your patience!

Jul, 04: Dear Customers, the current overload status of the service is being caused by our regular Wednesday maintenance. We'll be back on track within 15 min. max.

June, 2012

Jun, 13: The service is running smoothly again. Thanks for your comprehension!

Jun, 13: Dear customers, we're going through a data base recovery process caused by an internal issue our hosting provider had. We estimate that the service will be stabilized within 20 minutes max. We deeply apologize for the inconveniences this may cause you.

Status: Beban tinggi

Server beroperasi penuh, tetapi waktu respons mungkin, sementara, lebih tinggi dari rata-rata.
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