
November, 2017

Nov, 29: BEWARE of emails from "" about some "$50 CVS Promotion" . Those messages are NOT from Death By Captcha!

Nov, 17: RESOLVED - You may have / may be facing issues sending token (puzzle) images Yesterday and during parts of the day Today. We're working on a permanent solution for this and sincerely apologize for the inconveniences. In the meantime, we urge to please use (good quality, private) proxies , as this will substantially increase your success rates for these images.

September, 2017

Sep, 04: RESOLVED - Service availability was interrupted by an unexpected technical issue within 0:00 - 7:00hrs (GMT-4) . We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences this may have caused you. If you were affected by this, please Contact Us and we'll compensate you accordingly. We appreicate your business!

June, 2017

Jun, 06: RESOLVED - The service is going through an emergency server maintenance that is causing higher than usual solve times/sporadic overloads. We're working hard to minimize the impact of this on your work. We expect things to be back to normal shortly. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

April, 2017

Apr, 10: All our API clients have been updated for maximum efficiency and faster solve times. We encourage you/software vendors to visit our API page and update in order to get the most our of our service!

March, 2017

Mar, 02: If you're using DBC with GSA software, we recommend to update/use their latest version in order to get the best possible results :)

December, 2016

Dec, 01: RESOLVED - Live Chat Support will be off Today due to maintenance. Please, expect your concerns to be answered within 24hrs or less via

November, 2016

Nov, 20: RESOLVED - Today, the service went through emergency server updates that may have prevented you from using it normally. We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences this may have caused you. The service is now back to 100% and you should be able to use it successfully. If you're not able to do so, or if you were negatively affected by this, please Contact Us ( and we'll help you out. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

Nov, 11: We've been making adjustments to our systems and you should now be getting even higher correctness rates :)!

July, 2016

Jul, 28: RESOLVED - DDoS attacks contracted by certain competitor have been once again successfully mitigated. You should have noticed no loss in service quality (only the website was temporarily unreachable; API availabilty wasn't affected). However, now that we have discovered the identity of the culprit, they will be dealt with soon. With love from Russia.

Status: OK

Server beroperasi penuh dengan waktu respons yang lebih cepat dari rata-rata.
  • Waktu penyelesaian rata-rata
  • 3 detik - Normal CAPTCHAs (1 menit. yang lalu)
  • 29 detik - reCAPTCHA V2, V3, etc (1 menit. yang lalu)
  • 18 detik - hCAPTCHA & yang lain (1 menit. yang lalu)
Chrome and Firefox logos
Ekstensi browser tersedia


Sistem kami dirancang untuk sepenuhnya ramah pengguna dan mudah digunakan. Jika Anda memiliki masalah dengan itu, cukup email kami diEmail dukungan teknis DBC com, dan agen dukungan akan menghubungi Anda sesegera mungkin.

Dukungan Langsung

Tersedia Senin hingga Jumat (10 pagi hingga 4 sore EST) Live support image. Link to live support page